Ps3 eye camera driver free
Ps3 eye camera driver free

ps3 eye camera driver free

Ps3 eye camera driver free how to#

The subject came back recently in the comments section of a post about Tmall Genie smart speaker, via a post by Michaela Merz which compares PS3 Eye against Respeaker Mic Array v2.0 ( $69), and explains how to setup PS3 Eye’s microphone array in Raspberry Pi 3. I tried looking for drivers but all I found so far is a drama about Eyes drivers working/not working but no one put an actual link to the damn drivers. PS3 Eye was actually part of the article we published two years ago, and the camera performed well in comparison to more expensive development kits. I wanted to use a PS Eye with my PC for video chat and streams as my camera - when my gf isnt playing on PS3 using PS Move I wanted that camera to be my webcam. You may even already have one, so no need to spend extra money. If you’ve already got a Raspberry Pi 3/4 board, you can get cheaper options such as ReSpeaker 4-Mic Array for $25, but nothing beats the price of Sony PS3 Eye camera that comes with a 4 microphone array and sells on Amazon for around $7.5.

ps3 eye camera driver free

The price of smart audio development kits varies a lot from $500 for Intel Speech Enabling Developer Kit to $129 for an Allwinner R18-based 3-Mic Far-Field Amazon AVS Development Kit, and $99 for ReSpeaker Core v2.

ps3 eye camera driver free

Almost exactly two years ago to the day, we published an article showing how microphone arrays performed against a single USB microphone, and the latter started to have a poor wake word detection success rate at around 3 meters array even in a silent room, and it got worse with white noise or background music, while the microphone arrays would pick up the wake word with a much higher success rate in all conditions.

Ps3 eye camera driver free